ylzzcom永利总站线路检测学术论坛:An Overview of the State of Logistics in the US with Emphasis on Trends andProblems
发布日期 :2019-03-04

讲座题目:An Overview of theState of Logistics in the US with Emphasis on Trends and Problems








Dr. Walter Zinn


Chairmanand Professor of Logistics

Departmentof Marketing and Logistics

Fisher College of Business

The Ohio State University


ABSTRACT: Thepractice of logistics is undergoing radical transformation driven by changes intechnologies and the emergence of new business concepts available to firms andtheir supply chains. Some of these new concepts and technologies, like 3Dprinting and Omni channel, are in more advanced stages of implementation.Others, like self-driving road vehicles and the Internet-of-Things are still inearly stages of conceptualization and development. The goal of the lecture isto provide an overview of coming changes, especially in an environment ofgrowing customer demand for service. The emphasis will not be in the technologiesthemselves, but on their viability and stage of implementation.



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